Monday, November 8, 2010

Concept Map Reflection

I used the software to complete my concept map project and I really enjoyed using it because it was so easy and organized. I typed the url right in and started mapping out my concept, which was great for me because I am not so computer savvy. I liked how the bubbles were big and colorful so for anyone who was viewing my concept map would be engaged and interested. It was very easy to create new bubbles and delete them as well if I made a mistake.I liked how you were able to move the bubbles around if they were overlapping or position them in a certain way. I think one of the biggest selling points for me is that it is the only program you did not have to pay for. The program does not ask for any invasive information, just your username and email address. I really liked this program and I would definitely use it again in my future classroom.

I think the most difficult part of this project was developing my concept and what I wanted to write to convey the message across. It was difficult thinking of the proper sequence and type of wording I wanted to use to teach a child how to tell time. I know it is a process that is simple to explain to someone orally but it is a whole different thing to write it out in a concept map and try using simple language. I didn't know if I should put phrases or just words in the bubbles but I think I explained the concept well in my previous blog. I never realized how difficult it is to explain to someone how to tell time without showing them a clock. I tried to think of it in the most simple terms and tried to explain the concept to the best of my ability. This kind of topic would of been much easier to explain visually but I think this is a great tool to use to introduce the subject and then to show it visually.

I can use this tool of concept mapping to introduce a topic to my students and ask them to give me certain words they think of when I say the word time. They can create a concept map or we can as a class to go through all of the important terms and concepts that are essential in a certain subject. I could use this tool on almost any subject because it is creative and visually stimulating which is key in teaching young children. This kind of tool can be used to display cause and effect as well as the process of the scientific method. It is a very diverse tool to be used in any school setting and grade.

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